In the beginning, it’s not always all about winning. Sometimes it’s just about having fun. When you’re having fun, good things happen. There comes a time when participation trophies are not beneficial. But when you’re 5, and you get out there on a soccer field, football field, or baseball field, that is something to celebrate.
This is how kids and coaches get resilience. That ability to bounce back from difficult situations is the definition of toughness. And toughness is a quality that never goes out of style. Once a team gets that taste of toughness, teamwork makes the dream work, and they are unstoppable.
Now more than ever, we need resilience, toughness and teamwork in this world. We can start in our community. We’re so besieged by anger and negativity in the news, on social media, and even in our daily interactions. It is therapeutic to escape that for a few hours every week and see kids running around and having fun.
Youth sports are where games are played at the purest level. It’s where kids are kids. It’s good to be a part of that as a coach, player or spectator. Adults are the ones who take the fun out of youth sports.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Life, as has been said before, is too important to be taken seriously. The sooner we realize it, and start working together as one big team, we can build community. And life will be better for everybody.
This story was first published in the Southwest Connector, a local newspaper in Minneapolis, Minnesota.