Career: 1975-82 (7 seasons)
Teams: Boston Red Sox (1975-80), California Angels (1981), New York Yankees (1982)
Stats: 1,918 chances, 595 putouts, 1,183 assists, 140 errors
Fielding percentage: .927
dWAR: -4.3
Total Zone Runs at position: -52
Bottom line: Butch Hobson was a former quarterback for the University of Alabama but went pro playing baseball.
His 1978 season was legendary for being a blunder. He committed 43 errors for the Red Sox that season — the most since 1949 —and his .899 fielding percentage that year was the lowest in the modern era of baseball.
Still, his career wasn’t a total loss. He went on to manage the Red Sox from 1992 to 1994.
Note: We combined Defensive Wins Above Replacement (dWAR), Total Zone Runs (an estimate of runs saved or given up in the field), errors and fielding percentage metrics to determine this lineup of third basemen.