The 2023 film “Air: Courting A Legend” — directed by Ben Affleck and starring Matt Damon, Affleck, Chris Tucker and Viola Davis — depicts the true story of how Nike and a young Michael Jordan came together to create the Air Jordan sneaker brand in the 1980s. It would become the defining moment in the history of athletic apparel. The movie was a surprise box-office hit and continued to impress upon the world that anything to do with Jordan … is going to be a success.
In the 38 years since Nike’s Air Jordan made its debut on April 1, 1985, Jordan and the shoe that bears his name have become synonymous with their own type of success — both in basketball and in the worlds of fashion, finance and entertainment. The Jordan Brand alone brought Nike $5.1 billion in revenue in 2022, and Jordan has reportedly made close to $2 billion from his deal with Nike since 1985.
Here’s a look at the very best Nike basketball shoes from the Air Jordan collection, and if you haven’t checked out “Air” yet, it’s streaming on Amazon Prime starting on May 12, 2023.