States reporting for boys: 19
States reporting for girls: 19
Schools where boys participate: 1,638
Schools where girls participate: 642
Boy participants: 35,283
Girl participants: 9,650
Bottom line: Ice hockey players come from where you’d expect: the Great Lakes, Midwest, New England, East Coast and Alaska.
And participation in girl’s hockey has zoomed up since the early 1990s, when a girl often would have to play on a boy’s team.
Fun fact: California has 524 high school ice hockey participants (495 boys, 29 girls). Overall, California has 824,709 high school sports participants, second only to New York’s 825,924.*
*After New York and California, the top 10 states by participants are Ohio (339,158), Illinois (333,838), Pennsylvania (316,429), Florida (308,173), Michigan (292,947), New Jersey (281,058) and Minnesota (240,487).