Career: 17 seasons (1991-2007)
Teams: Houston Astros (1991), Cleveland Indians (1992-96, 1998-2001, 2007), Chicago White Sox (2002), San Francisco Giants (2002), Pittsburgh Pirates (2003), Chicago Cubs (2003), New York Yankees (2004), Philadelphia Phillies (2005), Los Angeles Dodgers (2006), Texas Rangers (2007)
Regular season statistics: 2,103 games played/.299 batting average/622 stolen bases/1,528 runs scored
Bottom line: Lofton took part in 11 postseasons with seven different teams, but it wasn’t until the outfielder was 35 years old that he could almost smell the Champagne. His team squandered a 5-0 lead in Game 6, and they had a Giants-sized letdown in the next one as well.